Advice for Sailing Vessels

In view of the recent escalation in pirate attacks in the area of the Southern Red Sea, Gulf of Aden and Indian Ocean, and the consequent very high risk, the essential advice is not to enter this area. However a yacht which, despite this advice, decides on such a passage is recommended to make contact in advance with the naval authorities and to read the "World Sailing" Warning Notice. The Warning Notice is a joint production of MSC(HOA) and "World Sailing" under the auspices of the "World Sailing" International Regulations Commission.

The International Regulations Commission has been established and appointed by the "World Sailing" Executive Committee in accordance with Regulation 41 to provide advice on matters related to the regulation of recreational boats or craft by government actions or otherwise.

One of the aims of the International Regulations Commission is to “monitor any legislation or actions by international or national institutions and national Governments or other similar bodies which affect the navigation, manning, construction, equipment, safety and use of recreational craft or the environment and take (in conjunction with National Authorities and other bodies representative of the users of all types of recreational craft) appropriate action in regard thereto”.

MSCHOA aims to provide a service to mariners in the Gulf of Aden, the Somali Basin and off the Horn of Africa. It is a Coordination Centre dedicated to safeguarding legitimate freedom of navigation in the light of increasing risks of pirate attack against merchant shipping in the region, in support of the UN Security Council’s Resolutions (UNSCR) 1814, 1816 and 1838.


If you are due to travel the area of high threat, please inform MSCHOA by emailing, with the subject line ‘Yacht Vessel Movement’.